
The Worst Days Make The BEST Stories"The Worst Days Make The BEST Stories"

In his keynote programs, motivational speaker Milo Shapiro loves using stories to bring out the fun and richness in life’s lessons. This book allows him to share more of the laughs and a few thoughtful moments that go beyond his speech time.

You’ll laugh and be touched by these short, true tales that bring out loveable characters who all had something to learn about relationships, business, communication skills, and more.

Someone gets a valuable lesson in each...often the hard way!

Once described at "What 'Chicken Soup for the Soul' would have looked like if it had been written by Jerry Seinfeld."

"Public Speaking: Get A's, Not Zzzzzz's!" - Public Speaking Skills for Presentations"Public Speaking: Get A's, Not Zzzzzz's!"

You CAN master the skill of public speaking! Laugh your way through Milo’s clever, tip-loaded “Top 10 Lists”. Conquer any fears as you excel in this important tool for success.

Milo Shapiro blends core speaking fundamentals, lessons learned from his own years as a professional motivational speaker, and relevant exercises from the world of improvisation to make his speeches, coaching, and books more fun than the norm.

With chapters like...

- Ten Great Ways to Blow It In Your First Ten Seconds
- Ten Neat Things To Do If You WANT To Alienate Your Audience
- Ten Healing Ways to Deal With FEAR and Reduce STRESS
- Ten Cool Tricks to Ease The Torture of Memorization

...this book is a fun read, but full of valuable ideas for anyone who needs to be in front of groups for speeches, sales, teaching, and more.

"Public Speaking: Get A's, Not Zzzzzz's!" - Public Speaking Skills for Presentations"Public Speaking for TEENS: Get A's, Not Zzzzzz's!"

Teens, too, CAN master the skill of public speaking! They can even be entertained in the process of learning the skills.

This book is an adaptation of the adult book above, proofed by teens for their input on what's valuable to them and how they appreciate being spoken to.

Milo covers all the elements above, but with examples that make more sense for the school-aged person than the business person. And without references that will yield the response, "Who?" quite as often.

This book came from requests that there needed to be a book on this topic that was both suited teens AND would hold their attention. Milo is proud to say that it peaked at #2 in its Amazon category in December of 2015, just behind a huge bestseller.

Effluently Yours, Maggie − The Bizarre Holiday Letters of Maggie Jennings“Effluently Yours, Maggie” − The Bizarre Holiday Letters of Maggie Jennings

In 1996, author Milo Shapiro got a personalized holiday letter from a woman he couldn’t remember. That would have been bad enough, but the letter was nothing more than this lady bragging endlessly about how great her family was. If he did know her, he also knew he couldn’t stand her!

So imagine the laughter when Milo discovered that the letter was a practical joke played on him by his friend Jennifer Coburn!

Milo decided to get even by having this ego-driven Maggie character write to Jennifer every Christmas for the next 13 years, becoming more icky and bizarre over time. This book is the resulting compilation of those letters.

Maggie has no idea that she offends people left and right as she intends to do good, but truthfully only serves her own self-focused grandeur. Her growing misuse of the English language is only further evidence of her disconnection with reality.

You’ll hate her and love her...but mostly you will laugh at her and the family forced to endure all that is Maggie Jennings.