Bio as motivation or entertainment speaker

This bio is 186 words. If you need fewer words for your website, handout, etc., please contact Milo with your word limit and he’ll happily provide a shorter edit himself.  Need an agency-friendly version?  Just leave off the last line.


In 2000, Milo left fifteen years in Information Technology to pursue his then-ten-year passion: applying improvisation to business practices and personal development.

His self-created training program, “TEAMprovising”, has created a team connectedness, improved communication, and boosted innovation for I.T. engineers at Sempra Energy, processing clerks at Computer Science Corporation, and nurses at HealthSouth.

As a member of the National Speakers Association, his interactive motivational speeches have delighted Southwest Airlines, Minolta, and General Dynamic, as he gets his whole audiences playing improv games with him. His customized “IMPROVfessionals” duo presentation is an improv “keynote show” that uses ten improv games to prove ten points on sales, management, teamwork, and other topics. Kodak, Pfizer, and Qualcomm have praised his creative methods.

In 2004, Milo launched the coaching side of his business “Public Dynamics”, helping individuals become more prepared, polished and powerful upon the platform. A speech based on his book “Public Speaking: Get A’s, Not Zzzzzz’s!” provides a fresh voice on this old topic. He is also the author of “Public Speaking for TEENS: Get A’s, Not Zzzzzz’s!” and the entertaining “The Worst Days Make The BEST Stories!”

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